
Friday, January 14, 2011

caterpillar collection

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caterpillar collection

New Insect Pest Control

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New Insect Pest Control

From the first, biodiversity Indonesia became a magnet for foreign researchers. For example, Alfred Russel Wallace, a British youth, in 1854 left the country to explore biodiversity in the archipelago.Wallace expedition for eight years succeeded in collecting 110,000 collections of insects, shells 7500, 8050 birds and 410 mammals and reptiles.
From the expedition, Wallace managed to map the flora of western Asia, the flora of the eastern Pacific, and Autralia. Mapping the flora was later better known as Wallacea line. During exploring several islands in Indonesia, Wallace finds many theories of biology, especially evolutionary theory. One example, when animals die first inferior superior animals would survive. That's what Wallace bring about the emergence of new species as part of the process of evolution. The theory then makes a lot of Wallace's position aligns with the Charles Darwin, originator of the theory of evolution.
Dr Rosichon Ubaidillah MPhil, insect taxonomist from the Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI), Wallace describes not only interested in exploring the mysteries of biological diversity in Indonesia. Research on insect taxonomy, for example, is still much scientists do Britain, France, Holland, America, Japan, and Australia.
In fact, the World Bank through the Global Environmental Facility (GEF) and the Japanese government through Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) to invest the research by giving grants to LIPI to develop the study of taxonomy in Indonesia. Grant is in the form Bogoriense Herbarium Building, museums, and microbiology laboratories and facilities.
In addition to physical assistance, other things more important, said Rosichon, foreign parties to help develop Indonesia's human resource skills in the field of taxonomy. Help is certainly very useful to remember this for the number oftaxonomists Indonesia is still small.


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Plant parasite in Costa Rica

Insect in Suriname

Insect in Sumatra, Indonesia

Insects papua

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Thursday, January 13, 2011

this time the insects from the Amazon rainforest

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The Amazon rainforest

strange beast above is the larva Anchistrotus

Bocydium round has a special attachment perched on his head. Some lights adorn thepronotum are hairy, they exist in each eye.

Size varies between species Treehoppers 2-25 millimeters, between the head of theneedle and nuts.

Ci-cons Cladonota benitezi female. Such Treehoppers characterized by largemorphological differences between male and female. This is called sexual dimorphism

Treehoppers this kind, has the pronotum which is characteristic, namely head clawslike that .. forms that are used to protect them from predators like birds.

called also little devil because the antenna is often also assumed to be horn. His name? Hemikyptha. This species is the true remnants of prehistory. There is on earthfor 40 million years.

Longest Insect: Giant Stick Insect

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Longest Insect: Giant Stick Insect

About 163 mm in length, and if counted when his legs all stretched, its length becomes295 cm. In some cases, the length can reach 20 inches. There are over 3,000 speciesof insects are found, and some of them have wings and can fly. Usually the femaleslarger than males. Including nocturnal insects.

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