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Did you ever see kecoa, the insects are downright revolting? This is the insects that make people who see it run terbirit-bottom because of fear. But in fact the animals will also be running terbirit-butt when meeting with one insect called Wasp emerald or emerald wasp Indonesian language. Tawon the skin is green-blue metallic exploit this, or more precisely in a compromising kecoa cycle reproduksinya. Without compassion emerald wasp inject poison that will make a zombie kecoa. Kelanjutannya want to know, so read on.
Wasp's scientific name is emerald Ampulex compressa. Bersepupu with animals that bees can be found in the southern part of Asia, Africa and the Pacific Kepulaun. This insect was used as a tool biokontrol to control pests in Hawaii kecoa by FX Williams in the year 1941. However, this method fails because emerald wasp more happy living in a limited area and hunt only during the kecoa marry.
The uniqueness of this wasp is located on the emerald female wasp behavior at the time of laying. Emerald wasp females utilize kecoa life that have been disabled as a wet nurse for his descendants. Emerald wasp females lay eggs that will explore kecoa potential wet nurse for her son. Video below shows how the female wasp emerald inject poison to the body kecoa. Directed to the first injection thoracic ganglion that will lead to the foot kecoa paralyzed for a while. This paralysis emerald wasp will make it easier to inject the second racunnya. Second injection easily directed to the head ganglia of the brain kecoa or, more precisely in the movement to escape reflex process. This second injection caused the kecoa zombie like, still alive but enslaved by the emerald wasp.
After a wet nurse for the candidates believe their children can not flee, emerald wasp kecoa lead to entry into the nest. Because emerald wasp size smaller than kecoa, how to lead kecoa also unique in the nest. Tawon lead emerald kecoa interesting one with the antenna kecoa. Perhaps if the man in the world, functioning as an antenna that rein used to lead horses or dogs.
Until after the new house that became the grave for kecoa, emerald wasp eggs then enter a 2 mm round into the abdomen or stomach kecoa. Pending the eggs hatch, wasp insert emerald pebble-gravel in the nest to kecoa to impound and to prevent entry of predators in the nest. 3 days later the eggs turned into flyblow. During the 4 to 5 days flyblow eat while body kecoa find a way to go to the alimentary tract kecoa. During 8 days, flyblow eat in organs (viscera) of the kecoa. Remain in the body kecoa, flyblow becomes persistent, and form a cocoon. 4 sunday after the change to worm, the pupa and then into adult emerald wasp.
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